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Getting Started

Navi Stream is a embed language in Navi, when you installed Navi, you can use Navi Stream.

Quick Start

Create file named macd.nvs


Navi Stream file extension is .nvs, and Navi file extension is .nv.

use quote, ta;

param {
    Length1 = 12,
    Length2 = 26,
    Length3 = 9,

let fast_ma = ema(close, Length1);
let slow_ma = ema(close, Length2);
export let hist = fast_ma - slow_ma;
export let signal = ema(hist, Length3);
export let macd = (hist - signal) * 2;

Make a sample JSON data named data.json, you can download this sample file:

Then you can use it in Navi file, main.nv:

// Import `macd.nvs` file as module
use macd;
use std.fs;
use std.json;

struct Candlestick {
    time: int,
    open: float,
    high: float,
    low: float,
    close: float,
    volume: float,
    turnover: float,

impl Candlestick {
    fn to_string(): string {
        return `{ time: ${self.time}, open: ${}, high: ${self.high}, low: ${self.low}, close: ${self.close}, volume: ${self.volume}, turnover: ${self.turnover} }`;

fn main() throws {
    let f ="data.json");
    let data = json.parse(f.read_to_string());

    let candlesticks: [Candlestick] = [];

    for (let item in data.array()!) {
        candlesticks.push(Candlestick {
            time: item.get("time")?.int()!,
            open: item.get("open")?.float()!,
            high: item.get("high")?.float()!,
            low: item.get("low")?.float()!,
            close: item.get("close")?.float()!,
            volume: item.get("volume")?.int()! as float,
            turnover: item.get("turnover")?.int()! as float

    // Create a Navi Stream instance
    let t =;
    for (let candlestick in candlesticks) {
        // Execute Navi Stream
        t.execute(time: candlestick.time, close: candlestick.close);

Then run it:

$ navi run main.nv
{ time: 943920000, open: 29.5, high: 29.8, low: 26.01, close: 26.4, volume: 3040519, turnover: 8408718336 }
{ time: 946512000, open: 26.31, high: 26.9, low: 24.5, close: 24.75, volume: 736270, turnover: 1889136896 }
{ time: 949017600, open: 24.98, high: 27.85, low: 23.75, close: 25.04, volume: 1965104, turnover: 4966612480 }